Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

temporal lobe (pair)

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Current level temporal lobe (pair)
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
61825 6017
temporal lobe (pair)
lobus temporalis (par)
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
74890 6018
temporal pole (pair)
polus temporalis (par)
61905 6019 tax
superior temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis superior (par)
anterior part (pair) ; secondary auditory cortex (pair) ; belt area (pair)
pars anterior (par) ; cortex auditorius secundarius (par)
posterior part (pair)
pars posterior (par)
74891 6020 tax
temporal operculum
operculum temporale
71043 8710 tax
polar plane (pair)
planum polare (par)
273671 6021 tax
transverse temporal gyri (pair)
gyri temporales transversi (par)
primary auditory cortex (pair) ; core area (pair)
cortex auditorius primarius (par)
61909 6022
anterior transverse temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
61910 6023
posterior transverse temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
71045 6024 tax
temporal plane (pair)
planum temporale (par)
83782 6025 tax
transverse temporal grooves (pair)
sulci temporales transversi (par)
8711 tax
anterior transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
8712 tax
intermediate transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (par)
8713 tax
posterior transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
83783 6026 tax
superior temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis superior (par)
61906 6027 tax
middle temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis medius (par)
83784 6028 tax
inferior temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis inferior (par)
61907 6029 tax
inferior temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis inferior (par)
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
61907 6029 tax
inferior temporal gyrus
gyrus temporalis inferior
74518 6065 tax
occipitotemporal groove ; lateral occipitotemporal groove
sulcus occipitotemporalis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis
61908 6063 tax
fusiform gyrus (pair) ; lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus fusiformis (par) ; gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis (par)
medial part of fusiform gyrus (pair)
pars medialis gyri fusiformis (par)
lateral part of fusiform gyrus (pair)
pars lateralis gyri fusiformis (par)
ectorhinal cortex (pair)
cortex ectorhinalis (par)
midfusiform sulcus (pair)
sulcus fusiformis medius (par)
83751 6042
collateral groove ; medial occipitotemporal groove
sulcus collateralis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis
61918 6070 tax
parahippocampal gyrus
gyrus parahippocampalis
31 lines
90.3 %
93.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Gyrus temporalis superior (Superior temporal gyrus; BA22) is not a homogeneous cortical area; it contains various cytoarchitectonically and functionally distinct cortical areas. Its Pars anterior (Anterior part or Belt area) forms the Secondary auditory cortex (BA42 or A2; see Morosan P, Rademacher J, Schleicher A, et al. 2001 Human primary auditory cortex: Cytoarchitecture, subdivisions and mapping into a spatial reference system. Neuroimage 13:684-701; Zilles and Amunts 2012). Its Pars posterior (Posterior part or Wernicke's area) is a loosely defined region which comprises the Posterior part of BA22 but also parts of the Inferior parietal lobule.
See note # 6019
The Dorsal part of the Gyrus temporalis superior contains three Sulci temporales transversi (Transverse temporal sulci): the Planum polare (Polar plane) is separated from the Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl by the Sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (Anterior transverse temporal sulcus), the Gyri temporales transversi (Transverse temporal gyri) are subdivided by the Sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (Intermediate transverse temporal sulcus), and the Planum temporale (Temporal plane) is separated from the Posterior transverse temporal gyrus by the Sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (Posterior transverse temporal sulcus or Heschl's sulcus; see Duvernoy 1992).
See note # 6021
For the Inferomedial aspect of the Temporal lobe, usually the terms Gyrus temporalis inferior (T3), Gyrus fusiformis (T4) and Gyrus parahippocampalis (T5) are used, separated by the Occipitotemporal and the Collateral sulci.
See note # 6019
See note # 6019
The Cortex ectorhinalis (BA36) is often included as part of the Perirhinal cortex (Ding S-L, Van Hoesen GW 2010 Borders, extent, and topography of human perirhinal cortex as revealed using multiple modern neuroanatomical and pathological markers. Hum Brain Mapp 31:1359-1379) but lies on the other side of the Collateral sulcus.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6017
Number of children 82 (validated)
Number of units 31 (validated)
Signature 3038 (validated since 14.3.2020)
Date: 18.08.2024